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Title ø (Netflix) ä
Name Yeon Joo Koo ȸ 2097 Date 2016-01-11
ø(Netflix) ȸ ̱ 迡 Ƿ, ߸, , ǰ ĵ ٷ ġ 'Ͽ콺 ī(House of Cards)' κ ̴. ڰ ٷ ͳ Ʈ ۷ι (ȭ, ) ø. 󸶰 ָ 뵵 ̷Ͽ ij ̺ ƴ ͳ Ʈ , װ͵ 1ȭ 13 Ѳ ߱ ̴.

ٷ ø(Netflix) ѱ ߴ. ø (2016 1 7) ѱ 񽺸 ǽѴٰ . ̷ν ø 񽺸 ϴ 190, Ǵ  21 Ѵ. ø ް ù񽺸 ϸ鼭 Ʈʸ Ȯϰ 񽺿 ȹ̴.  ĥ ߰ ָȴ.


DVD 뿩ü ø Ϸ翡 ð ϴ üũ ʰ, ް ϴ ŭ ִ ٹ ȯ ̱ ε ϰ ȸ  ϳ . ׷ٸ ȸ  ? ̿ ؼ CEO ̽ý(Reed Hastings) ̵ ξ(Slideshare) Ʈ ø ڷῡ ڼ ִ. Ѹ ȸ 9 ٽɰġ(Core Value) ϴ ̰ Ųٴ ̴. Ʒ ׳ ҰѴ.

9 ä,

1. Ǵܷ (Judgment)

ȣ Ȳ (, , , â ) .
You make wise decisions(people, technical, business and creative) despite ambiguity.
巯 ִ ڿ ִ ٺ ľѴ.
You identify root causes , and get beyond treating symptoms.
ؾ ϰ ƾ кѴ.
You think strategically, and can articulate what you are, and are not, trying to do.
ؾ ϴ ϰ ߿ պ Ǵ ϰ Ѵ.
You smartly separate what must be done well now, and what can be improved later.

2. Ŀ´̼ (Communication)

Ÿ ʰ ûν Ѵ.
You listen well, instead of reacting fast, so you can better understand.
ϰ к ְ ϰ .
You are concise and articulate in speech and writing.
ǰ ̿ 븦 Ѵ.
You treat people with respect independent of their status or disagreement with you.
Ʈ Ȳ ħ Ѵ.
You maintain calm poise in stressful situations.

3. (Impact)

û ߿ س.
You accomplish amazing amounts of important work.
ŷ ŭ ū .
You demonstrate consistently strong performance so colleagues rely upon you.
You focus on great results rather than on process.
м Ÿ ʰ ൿ Ѵ.
You exhibit bias-to-action, and avoid analysis-paralysis.

4. ȣ (Curiosity)

绡 .
You learn rapidly and eagerly.
츮 , , , ó Ϸ Ѵ.
You seek to understand our strategy, market, customers, and suppliers.
, θƮ η ľѴ.
You are broadly knowledgeable about business, technology and entertainment.
ڽ о ܿ ģ.
You contribute effectively outs

5. (Innovation)

ǿ ذå ã ̽ ܼƮ 籸Ѵ.
You re-conceptualize to issues to discover practical solutions to hard problems.
Ÿϰ ϸ Ѵ.
You challenge prevailing assumptions when warranted, and suggest better approaches.
ο ̵ ̸ Ѵ.
You create new ideas that prove useful.
⼺ ּȭ ܼȭ ø Ų.
You keep us nimble by minimizing complexity and finding time to simplify.

6. (Courage)

ڽ Ѵ.
You say what you think even if it is controversial.
ϰ .
You make tough decisions without agonizing.
ϰ ũ ٷ.
You take smart risks.
츮 ġ ൿ Ѵ.
You question actions inconsistent with our values.

7. (Passion)

Ź ߱ν ٸ ش.
You inspire others with your thirst for excellence.
ø ´.
You care intensely about Netflix's success.
¸ ĪѴ.
You celebrate wins.
⸦ ´.
You are tenacious.

8. (Honesty)

ϰ ̶ܵ ޴´.
You are known for candor and directness.
ٸ ٸ ġ ó ʴ´.
You are non-political when you disagree with others.
ῡ ִ ͸ Ѵ.
You only say things about fellow employees you will say to their face.
Ǽ 绡 Ѵ.
You are quick to admit mistakes.

9. Ÿ (Selflessness)

ڽ̳ ڽ ׷ ƴ ø ּ ã´.
You seek what is best for Netflix, rather than best for yourself or your group.
ְ ̵ ã ̱ .
You are ego-less when searching for the best ideas.
Ḧ ð ҾѴ.
You make time to help colleagues.
You share information openly and proactively.
